Public Works

DPW Superintendent, Ben VanHoeven

231-755-3721 ext. 1955 or e-mail

Public Works Staff:

Ben VanHoeven, Superintendent

Bob Biesiada, Crew Leader

Kurt Mierendorf

Chad Haubrich

The Department of Public Works (DPW) consists of three full-time and various part-time/seasonal staff members. This highly dedicated crew is responsible for maintaining the City streets, sidewalks, and public right-of-ways. This includes keeping City roadways and sidewalks clear of snow and ice.

The City of Roosevelt Park is known for its exceptional snowplowed streets and sidewalks and our snowplow operators are committed to snow removal to ensure safe travel routes for all.


December 1st through April 1st

The ordinance that regulates Terrace Parking & Snow Removal states that no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle on any improved, defined and marked parking lane or bike path from 2 a.m. until 6 a.m. Nor shall any person stop, stand or park a vehicle on any terrace within three feet of any street or one foot of any sidewalk.

Please Don’t Crowd the Plow!

The DPW is also responsible for installing all municipal water meters and maintaining the municipal water and sewer system. To view the Annual Water Quality Report click here.

If you are experiencing sewer related backup issues please contact City Hall during normal business hours or the non-emergency Central Dispatch at (231) 722-3524.

The Community Center Park Gazebo and Broadway Avenue streetscape, along with the many parks throughout the City are maintained by the DPW. It is their responsibility to make sure that the parks and other City-owned property remains well-kept.

Garbage and yard waste services are provided by Republic Services. For more information visit Waste Disposal for the schedule and allowable trash items.